Clark Memorial Library
Richmond, Rhode Island's Public Library Since 1880
7 Pinehurst Drive Phone: (401)364-6100
Carolina, RI 02812 Fax: (401)364-7675

Service Policy
The Clark Memorial Library serves the people in the Richmond area without regard for age, sex, race, ethnic background, religion, education, economic status or political affiliation. As a member of the Ocean State Libraries consortium, (OSL) Clark Library makes its collection available to anyone with an OSL library card.
The library’s collection is chosen for people of all ages and reading abilities. It includes books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audiobooks, music CDs, museum passes, and cake pans.
The library’s services include reference and reader’s advisory for both children and adults. We offer Internet access, WIFI and programs for people of all ages. The library’s website provides access to the library’s schedule of events and the OSL catalog and links to other Internet resources.
Approved by the board 1/23/18
Clark Memorial Library
Inter-library Loan Policy
The Clark Memorial Library as a member of the Ocean State Libraries consortium will allow anyone with a valid Ocean State Libraries card to borrow the following material from the library; circulating books, magazines, and audio-visual material. Photocopies from non-circulating material will also be provided free of charge. Reference, local history and genealogy materials may not be borrowed.
Ocean State Library (OSL) cardholders are able to borrow material from non-OSL Rhode Island libraries and from out-of-state libraries by using our Inter-library Loan service (ILL). Patrons can request materials through ILL by contacting the librarian. The library will make every effort to fill non-OSL and out-of-state requests. ILL requests are subject to normal fines and fees for overdue and lost items.
Clark Memorial Library
Meeting Room Policy
The Meeting Room will be made available to the public according to the following priority:
Library Programming
Authorized Library Fund-raiser
Local Non-profit Public Programming
Local or State Government Public Assembly or Program
Non-profit Meeting or Activity
Association member activity (private function)
Community Interest Program (not Non-Profit)
Private function
Reservations must be made with the library staff and approved by the Library Director.
A written request form, which is available at the library, must be submitted and approved by the Library Director.
All parties using the room must sign an insurance waiver and the room usage policy. These forms are available at the library and will be kept on file there.
No alcoholic beverages will be allowed at any event.
FEE: Due to the increased popularity of the Meeting Room, we have found that functions often extend beyond or happen outside of normal operating hours. Effective January 1, 1997, all non-library related use of the Meeting Room will be subject to the following fees for all private function and/or use outside of normal operating hours.
$30.00 minimum – up to 2 hours usage
$15.00 for additional hour, up to maximum of 4 additional hours.
The maximum number of hours for any event is 6.
Note: From time to time, a program or activity may begin during operating hours but extend beyond closing. Excepting private functions, the following pro-ration of the rate may be applied: Use extending beyond normal operating hours $10.00 per hour, 2 hour maximum.
Approved 4/20/04